By practicing locavorism in the present, the economy in the future will have produced double the amount of money than the current economy, which means higher employment rates and less debt. Additionally, the surrounding environment will be much healthier because of the less contaminated food hat locavorism produces; future generations will not have to worry as much about the diseases that inhabit the earth today because they would have antibiotics in their genes that have been bequeathed to them by past generations who have had practiced locavorism. Through the movement of locavorism in the present, people will have set a better world for what is to come in the future generation, and so that generation can do the same for their
By practicing locavorism in the present, the economy in the future will have produced double the amount of money than the current economy, which means higher employment rates and less debt. Additionally, the surrounding environment will be much healthier because of the less contaminated food hat locavorism produces; future generations will not have to worry as much about the diseases that inhabit the earth today because they would have antibiotics in their genes that have been bequeathed to them by past generations who have had practiced locavorism. Through the movement of locavorism in the present, people will have set a better world for what is to come in the future generation, and so that generation can do the same for their