The Miami Herald, Sunday, October 23, 2011
Steve Bousquet
Summary Several state lawmakers have joined the fight against the requirements of the Real ID law, which they say are overkill. The federal Real ID law was created for prevention of identity theft and illegal immigrants and terrorists; enacted in 2010. In Florida, one important reason this was made because of the September 11 terrorist attacks, when it was revealed that some terrorists had obtained Florida IDs that allowed them to clear airport security checkpoints. Real ID requires official documents such as birth certificate, Social Security, passport, marriage license, and address proof to simply just renew your driver’s license. Greg Evers, a Republican state senator from Crestview, is attempting to get rid of many of these law’s requirements with the …show more content…
Senate Bill 220, called the Florida Driver’s License Citizen Protection Act. Many are supporting this and are joining Evers as many believe that the Real ID law has been overdone, with many complicated problems and processes. There have been specific accounts where people have been frustrated and surprised with disbelief because a lot of people do not have these required documents. Others have not even known yet and are confused when their basic identification such as their state-issued photo ID is not accepted anymore. Checking for official identity has also been more strict and enforced.
Relation to the Constitution This event for eliminating the federal Real ID law would be a principle of the “Rule of Law” and “Popular Sovereignty”.
The “Rule of Law” explains that no one is above the law. However, “Popular Sovereignty” states the idea of people power, that people have rights and say in government. So therefore, this example would be both. This is because although many people definitely do not like the new law, they must follow it as it has been passed by the government, made official. Although Senator Greg Evers has already submitted the bill to repeal the Real ID law with good evidence, he and all the others backing up that bill are still under the law, obligated to follow the requirements, otherwise they can still be penalized. But, because there is a large enough group with the same idea and proof that the Real ID law has been overdone and needs to be taken out, they can appeal to the government based on population to change the law. If Senator Evers continues to campaign successfully for the Senate Bill 220 to be passed, and he gains strong support from the senate body, then the current Real ID law may be