Term limits have been very controversial over the years. They have been both favored and opposed. Most people are in favor of term limits because incumbents are reelected for years and years. Very few people are opposed of term limits and most of those who are work for Congress. Some very interesting arguments in term limits favor have been the fact that these politicians are making careers out of their positions are not getting anything accomplished because they have no time limit. Experience can be both a positive and a negative to term limits. The positive being new ideas and fresh faces being in Congress. The negative would be that the more experienced legislators would be thrown out and would result in a loss of talent and waste of knowledge. More opposing theories would be that not only would term limits get rid of all the “bad apples” but it would also get rid of the better Congressmen as well. Most of Congress who oppose term limits fear that putting new people in office could wreck our government system.
“By shortening congressional terms, proponents hope to make sure that nobody sees becoming a congressional representative as a viable lifetime career choice, leading to more people who get into politics for noble reasons instead of a simple desire for power.” Many politicians who have been in office for such a long time start to get comfortable. Some become known as career-politicians. If there were set terms on these politicians, then they may be more focused on getting issues resolved within an allotted amount of time. “Not only are term-limit laws helping to diversify state legislatures, they are also allowing "regular" citizens to run for state office, say supporters. As a result, citizens--not just career politicians--are playing a large role in the political process, advocates say.” Term limits would give everyday citizens a choice to participate in political roles instead of the same