If a child gets a trophy for everything they do, it will cause them to think they don’t have to work for anything. A child’s work ethic starts at a young age. Work ethic develops through a …show more content…
This is simply not the case. In reality, giving a trophy to everyone who participates actually makes the kids feel bad. These kids are in an activity for the fun of it. They are developing a competitive edge and want to do their best. When they lose they know they tried their best, but when they are given a trophy they feel like they don’t deserve it. This in turn makes them feel guilty. Merryman in her New York Times article states, “In recent eye-tracking experiments by the researchers Bradley Morris and Shannon Zentall, kids were asked to draw pictures. Those who heard praise suggesting they had an innate talent were then twice as fixated on mistakes they’d made in their pictures.” These children didn’t feel better after being praised, they actually felt worse and were more self