The exploitation of prostitution is considered to be one of a serious global issue in most of the countries around the world. it remains difficult to view prostitution in an objective light as various cultures have alternately tried to ban it on religious or moralistic grounds, or stigmatize it under a “don’t-ask-don’t-tell” sort of veneer which was a barely-tolerated but necessary evil of society. It is interesting to note that despite an increasingly secularized attitude towards sexual relationships, as seen in society’s increasing tolerance of homosexuality or pre-marital sex, prostitution retains much of its social stigma. Also, the number of prostitution is increasing tremendously each year and seems to be more serious than the past centuries. However, yet very few to none of the countries have completely solved this problem. Saudi Arabia and Netherlands are two examples of the countries that prostitution is still considered to be a problem that the government of both countries cannot ignore. There are different solutions that Saudi Arabia and Netherlands have come up with to solve the problem.
The first and the most obvious difference between Saudi Arabia and Netherlands is the law for prostitution. In Saudi