Power System Protection
Course Synopsis
Slide 1
Fundamental Principles of Power System Protection
Slide 2
The material in this presentation is for Educational purposes only.
Practical application of any of the material contained within must be applied in accordance with legislative requirements and having due regard to the individual circumstances. © Barrie Moor
May 2009
Page 1
Fundamental Principles of
Power System Protection
Course Synopsis
Slide 3
Course Synopsis
Fundamental Concepts of Protection Design
Fault Calculations
Over Current & Earth Fault Protection
VTs & CTs
Fundamentals of Distance Protection
Protection Signalling
Advanced Aspects of Distance Protection
High Impedance Differential Protection
Transformer Biased Differential Protection
Busbar Biased Differential Protection
Feeder Differential Protection
Auto Reclosing
Capacitor Bank Protection
© Barrie Moor
May 2009
Page 2
Fundamentals of Power System Protection1
1.1 Overview of Electrical Energy Systems
They may occupy different angular positions, but all machines rotate at the same electrical speed. This close knitting implies an embedded interaction of generators through the transmission network which is governed by the differential and algebraic equations of the apparatus and interconnects. This aspect is referred to as the system behaviour. This system has to be protected from abnormalities which is the task of protection system. 1.2 Why do we need Protection?
Electrical power system operates at various voltage levels from 415 V to 400 kV or even more. Electrical apparatus used may be enclosed (e.g. motors) or placed in open (e.g. transmission lines). All such equipment undergo abnormalities in their life time due to various reasons. For example, a worn out bearing may cause overloading of a motor. A tree falling or touching an overhead line may cause a fault. A lightning