PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
Fall 2013
Crystal McSee
Class Times:
Mon 1:30p.m.-4:40p.m.
Contact Number:
(760) 355-6129
Office Hours:
By Appointment Only
(CRN# 10787)
*line is shared with IVC Counselor Lilia Neidiffer
Required Textbook: Exploring Psychology (9th Edition) David G. Myers
Course Description: This course is an introduction to the study of human behavior and cognition. Includes consideration of many of the major topics in psychology including, but not limited to, the biology of behavior, learning, human development, sleep and consciousness, personality, mental disorders and therapy, and social processes
Student Learning Outcome (IVC): In order to demonstrate your comprehension of introductory psychology you will be required to identify major psychological disorders, key symptoms, and the main strategies used for treatment. (ILO1; ILO2; ILO3; ILO5)
Course Requirements:
Attendance and Class Participation
Attendance is a crucial part of this course. Students are expected to demonstrate their understanding of the assigned readings by actively participating in class discussion. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get class notes from a fellow student.
Additionally, if you decide not to continue the course, it is your responsibility to drop the course on WEBSTAR by or before the drop date.
Thought Papers (25 pts x 3)
Students are required to find and read an article (newspaper, magazine, or journal), watch a TV show, or a movie. Following, you will write a 1-2 page paper on how it relates to psychology and everyday life. Alternatively, you may choose to write about your favorite song. Describe how the lyrics make you feel and relate them to psychology. There will be a total of three thought papers throughout the semester. Each paper is worth