Why might understanding the psychology of personality be a valuable tool? It is important to understand the psychology of personality because ultimately, our personalities govern the way people react to us. It also helps us to understand different personality traits which can help us identify specific strengths and weaknesses. Understanding our own strengths and weaknesses and identifying others can enable us to apply managerial styles that can influence a more productive working environment. Understanding personality traits enables us to us specific skills to help motivate and communicate with those around us. Specific to my work environment, understanding the multitude of different personalities enables me to work more efficiently because it allows me to communicate differently to different individuals …show more content…
Explain fully and try and relate them to "real-life" application.
Personality psychology and understanding they key aspects is what I find particularly important to my learning process in this course. Having a method to understand the psychological forces that make people unique can be a very beneficial tool when working in groups and learning teams. Of the eight different aspects, the three points I find most important are ego forces, Cognitive dimension, and interaction. Ego forces help us stay true to who we are as individuals. Understanding this aspect can help us understand why personal beliefs and opinions in others are often difficult to change. Next is the cognitive dimension. This is important because it allows us to understand and interpret what is happening around us. Finally, there is the aspect of interaction. Having a better understanding of how we interact with each other and the environment around us will allow for a more fluid team experience (Friedman & Schustack,