Behaviors Identified by Erikson’s Stages of Development
Match the behaviors or statements described on the right with Erikson’s stages of development listed on the left. Both achievement and nonachievement are reflected in the choices. The first one is completed as an example.
__e___1. Trust a. “I don’t like people. I’d rather be alone.”
___b__ 2. Mistrust b. “Get away from me with that medicine. I know you are trying to poison me!”
__l___ 3. Autonomy c. “I feel good about my life. I have a lot to be thankful for.”
__n___ 4. Shame and Doubt d. A five-year-old girl believes she is the cause of her parents’ divorce.
___o__ 5. Initiative e. “Sure, I’ll loan you $10 till your next payday.”
__d___ 6. Guilt f. “I don’t know what I want to do with my life. College? Work?
What kind of job would I get anyway?”
__g___ 7. Industry g. “Mommy! Mommy! I made all A’s on my report card!”
___h__ 8. Inferiority h. “I’ll have to ask my husband. He’s the decision maker in our family.” ___i__ 9. Identity i. “When I graduate from college I want to work with handicapped children.” ___f__10. Role Confusion j. “I plan to work as hard as necessary to help women achieve equality. I plan to see that this happens before I die.”
___J__11. Intimacy k. “I hate this place. No one cares what I do anyway. It’s just a way to bring home a paycheck.”
___a__12. Isolation l. “Look, Mom! I ironed this blouse all by myself!”
__c__13. Generativity m. “If only I could live my life over again. I’d do things so much differently. I feel like a nothing.”
___m__14. Stagnation n. “I could never be a nurse. I’m not smart enough.”
__p___15. Ego Integrity o. “Yes, I will be the chairperson for the cancer drive.”
__k___16. Despair p. “I have been the Girl Scout leader for Troop 259 for 7 years now.”
The Nursing Process: A Case Study
Read the following case study