Dwight is a character in the famous and popular comedy series The Office.
Case story:
Dwight works at a paper company and his position mainly consist of sales. He also owns a family farm where he grows beats. Dwight has been assigned 20 hours of therapy because of dangerous and harassing behavior on his work place. This disturbing behavior was especially towards one of his co-workers named Jim Harpert. Reportedly, Dwight had put Jim Harpers desk on fire, unfortunately ending up burning down his own desk too.
Therapy session:
Dwight enters the room, takes a deep breath and ignores me greeting him. He studies the room and turn directly towards the office leather couch placed behind my desk. He smells the couch and thereafter touches the couch and says “this is a good quality cow”. He continues “fact, did you know the best way too slay a cow without damaging the leader is to stab them in the ear, directly centered towards the middle of the brain”
I ask him if he would like to sit or lie down in the couch. He looks at the coach and answers me that he never lies down. He could be attacked by alien warriors that are trying to implant baby aliens in his body. Finally, he chooses to sit down in the couch.
In our session I start out talking about his work. He seemingly enjoys his job assignments while discussing his duty’s at the firm. Continuously, he mentions that he is the assistant to the regional manager. When I ask him about his coworkers he tells me that they are all just useless peasant that puts the company to shame.
The conversation quickly turns towards the incident burning down the two desks. Dwight ignores the severity in his actions. Explaining me Harper has been a nuisance every day since they worked together the last 4 years, and adds, that he could possibly be a shape shifter. He shows no signs of remorse, but acts as if it is justified by his annoyance with Harper. I asked him if burning down the desk was an