Psychotherapy Matrix
Select three psychotherapy approaches to summarize. Include examples of the types of psychological disorders appropriate for each therapy.
|Behavioral |Cognitive |Humanistic |
|Summary of | | | |
|Approach |Behavioral approach is explaining behavior through |Cognitive approach focuses on understanding the thinking |Humanistic Approach studies a person as a whole and the |
| |observation and is believed that the environment we are in|processes of individual’s actions. It has to do with |uniqueness of an individual. |
| |causes us to behave differently. |information storage and processing. |Individuals having freedom in deciding his or her own |
| | |This approach is figuring why we forget or how we |future and achieving personal growth. |
| |Professionals use behavioral therapy to help swap bad |remember. | |
| |habits with better habits. | | |
|Disorders |Some behavioral disorders: |Some Cognitive disorders: |Some Humanist disorders: