Case, J. M. (2008). Alienation and engagement: Development of an alternative theoretical framework for understanding student learning. Higher Education, 55(3), 321 - 332. Alienation and engagement:
Development of an alternative theoretical framework for understanding student learning
Jennifer M. Case
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town
In this paper it is suggested that the themes of alienation and engagement offer a productive alternative perspective for characterising the student experience of learning in higher education, compared to current dominant perspectives such as that offered by approaches to learning and related concepts. A conceptual and historical background of the concept of alienation is presented, followed by an overview of some contemporary perspectives. Drawing on this literature, a framework is then developed for characterising student learning. It comprises three categories, referring to the alienation resulting from 1. entering the higher education community, 2. fitting into the higher education community, and 3. staying in the higher education community. Each category has an associated set of theoretical tools that can be drawn upon in analysing this aspect of the student experience.
Keywords: alienation, engagement, student learning, tertiary education, approaches to learning
Address for correspondence:
Dr J Case, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa
Phone: +27 21 650 2751
Fax: +27 21 650 5501
Alienation and engagement:
Development of an alternative theoretical framework for understanding student learning
Jennifer Case
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town
For as long as there have been formal institutions of higher education there have been concerns about the
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