Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) at Level 4
Total credit value (at Level 4)
Total GLH
4 x units (each @ 12 GLHs) = 48
Units being run and assessed:
Unit title
Credit value
Roles and responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning
Learning outcomes: The learner will
Assessment Criteria: The learner can
1. Understand own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning
1.1 Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities 1.2 Analyse own responsibilities for promoting equality and valuing diversity
1.3 Evaluate own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning
1.4 Review own role and responsibilities in identifying and meeting the needs of learners 2. Understand the relationships between teachers and other professionals in lifelong learning 2.1 Analyse the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles
2.2 Review points of referral to meet the needs of learners
2.3 Evaluate own responsibilities in relation to other professionals
3. Understand own responsibility for maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment
3.1 Explain how to establish and maintain a safe and supportive learning environment
3.2 Explain how to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others
i) Provide a list of the roles and responsibilities typically required of a teacher in the lifelong learning sector, commenting briefly on each one. Refer to any suitable documentation. ii) What legislative requirements and codes of practice are you required to know? Summarize the key points for each one you have identified with linked examples to your own practice. iii) In your centre, what points of referral are available to meet the needs of your learners? Refer to relevant documentation and/or interview a key member of staff with direct reference to your