Tammy Tung
HCA 240
May 9, 2010
Shannon White
There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 normally occurs before the age of 20 and is usually diagnosed much younger. Type 2 normally occurs after the age of 45. The reasons patients develop type 1 are not as clear. In type 1 the body does not produce enough insulin, in type 2 the body may either not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin the body produces. In both types the lack of insulin causes blood glucose levels to rise because insulin is not able to help the cells cross over into the cells. It may also occur during pregnancy. Patients with diabetes may suffer with extreme thirst, frequent urination, extreme fatigue, and blurred vision. Type 2 diabetes can be prevented whereas Type 1 cannot (WebMD, 2005-2010). What happens in the body? In type 1 diabetes, the immune system destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Patients with type 1 must use insulin injections or an insulin pump to control their blood sugar and they produce no insulin. Type 1 diabetics comprise a small amount of the total number of diagnose diabetics. Type 2 diabetics comprise between 90%-95% of those who are diagnosed. In type 2 diabetes the body may not produce enough insulin or may not use the insulin adequately. This is called insulin resistance (WebMD, 2005-2010). Risk Factors Risk factors such as family history cannot be controlled. If a parent or sibling has type 1 diabetes it is more likely that a patient may develop it as well. Race is another risk factor that cannot be controlled. Caucasians are more at risk for type 1, Hispanics, Asian-Americans, African-Americans, and American Indians are at a greater risk for type 2 diabetes. Family history may also increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (WebMD, 2005-2010). The last risk factor that cannot be changed is age. As a patient gets older their risk increases – this could be in
References: American Diabetes Association. (2010). Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes. Retrieved May 9, 2010, from American Diabetes Association: CDC Diabetes Public Inquiries. (2010, March 12). What routine medical examinations and tests are needed for people with diabetes? Retrieved May 9, 2010, from Center for Disease Step Out. (2010). Frequently Asked Questions . Retrieved May 9, 2010, from Step Out : Walk to Fight Diabetes: http://stepout.diabetes.org/site/PageServer?pagename=OUT_lm_faq von Wartburg, L. (2007, April 27). Type 1 Pop Star, Nick Jonas Tells His Story. Retrieved May 9, 2010, from Diabetes Health: http://www.diabeteshealth.com/read/2007/04/26/5150/type-1-