In an emergency situation, such as a zombie apocalypse, communication with police and fire chiefs, as well as the director of public health, is crucial. Also, as the public facilities director, the most important duties we have are to ensure we have clean drinking water, keep the electricity running, and maintain gas and sewage plants.
Communication between the public facilities director and the police and fire chiefs is very important. In order for the officers to know where people should go, they must have information from the public facilities director to know where they should go, as well as where to avoid going based on our resources. Since the zombies have invaded the north, most of our resources in the north have been lost. The sewage plant has been abandoned and there is no electricity. Therefore, we must notify the authorities of these things so that they are able to make educated decisions on what to do. With there being no electricity in the north and having spotty electricity in the east and west, this can cause problems for being able to stay in constant communication. When faced with this problem, the decision was made to …show more content…
Keeping water clean can be done by keeping the filtration systems running, but the problem comes with knowing how to keep everything running. Water is stored in the water towers and continuously pumped out to surrounding areas. The towers hold 1-3 days of water and are refilled overnight by electric pumps. These pumps run every day for most of the day. While usage will more than likely drop, roughly 10-30 percent of water is lost in underground pipe leaks. Ryan Carlyle, a subsea hydraulics engineer states that once the water towers are empty, all water pressure will disappear and the taps will start to run dry very quickly. This all leads to the electricity problem. Without power the pumps will not be able to keep the towers from running