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Today, 314.5 million people call themselves Americans. Each of them, with God permitting, will make the journey to old age. However, in this huge set of individuals, roughly fifteen percent of adults over the age of twenty-five have not received a high school diploma (“Educational Attainment in the United States: 2009”). By itself, this percentage feels rather small, and so we as Americans pride ourselves in our educational system. After crunching the numbers, however, this measly percentage actually represents twenty-nine million Americans, twenty-nine million individuals who lack an accomplished high school education. Aristotle would be displeased to say the least. In 2008, then senator Barack Obama delivered a speech to the Mapleton Expeditionary School of the Arts titled “What’s Possible for our Children.” Though intended for his election campaign, the speech also reflected this introduction’s attitude, calling attention to the gaping holes in American education. More specifically, however, Obama promoted educational reform based on a three-point platform: “fixing” No Child Left Behind (an act which encourages state standardized tests to measure and regulate primary and secondary education in the United States), encouraging teacher reforms and furthering teaching…
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Kelly Gallagher states very clearly the dirty little secret of schools in America in chapter 1 of his 2011 book, Write Like This. He declares, “In other words, seven out of ten students are leaving schools without the necessary skills to actively participate in either civic life or in the global economy” (Wiens). These startling statistics should disturb you, and, if nothing is done, there’s only room for future generations’ stats to get worse. If you’re a parent put in the position of telling your teenager exactly why they should spend a whole thirteen years of their life getting an education when they’ve already learned, how to read, write, and do simple math, basic skills, and they throw this statistic at you, what do you do? My father…
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By teaching and informing all individuals more, the United States would be able to avoid repeating the past for a third time. Therefore, if education is corrected at all age levels, the problems of the past may stay in the past. One way of possibly improving education is by implementing more STEAM programs into schools; these programs are meant to further explore and teach students about the fields of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics. The ultimate goal is to help shape “students’ imagination and [teach] through hands-on STEM projects” along with “applying creative thinking and design skills [for] adulthood” (Feldman 2). In addition, replacing electives with career and trade classes gives the youth of America and society a better future. For example, the classes that could be offered to high school students could consist of researched based and technology classes. Encouraging adults to continue their education after high school and beyond college gives them a better chance to never be in poverty. The tasks of the past are not the tasks of the future; therefore adults must continue to advance their trade skills for the current demand so they can be better contributors of…
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The current education system strongly presses the case for high schoolers to go to college. Rarely, however, does it explore other options for kids who aren’t college-oriented. While it is true that globalization means high-paying manufacturing jobs are not a major career option in the United States, many skilled trade and technical fields are experiencing a shortage of workers. During his 2011 State of the Union Address, President Barack Obama said, “This can be community college or a four year school, vocational training, or an apprenticeship. But whatever the training may be, every American will need to get more than a high school diploma.” (Source C). While Obama does say every American will need more than a high school diploma, he doesn’t argue that every American needs to go to college. That is because every American doesn’t need to go to college. Plenty of skilled trade jobs pay just as well or even better than some jobs only available to those with degrees. Not all students should go to college because college isn’t the only way to get a good job outside of high…
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In today’s world, it is crucial for an individual to be able to read, write, and think critically in order to contribute to society. Successful careers require individuals to have these three skills in order to perform their work effectively and properly under any situation. In fact, many parts of the world provide free public education system in which children from all social classes can attend public school for free up through high school to develop and hone these skills not only for future careers they will take, but also to understand political and health issues. Furthermore, Americans pay taxes to provide the education of thousands of children in the United States. So why are there still people who cannot read, write, or think critically in these areas with free public education? The primary cause is that free education does not cover the gaps that result from the distraction by technology, financial incapacity, and mental incapacity.…
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Education empowers and educates generation after generations. What is the result of educational standards not being met? In his essay, “America Skips School,” Benjamin R. Barber explains his views on America’s education crisis. In his essay, he talks about the absence of actions the government and society take regarding education. He expresses his views on the rise of illiteracy in America. The rising complacency in formal education leads(contributes) to an education crisis.…
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In his article “Kenneth Cole Gets Schooled” David Sirota writes, “Taking an honest look at America’s education system brings up queries about why other less economically stratified nations have unionized teachers and far better academic results than here in America (761)” Students in other countries such as Korea, Finland, Japan, the Netherlands, and Canada have far better academic results than those in America, yet the teachers are not the one who need to be accepting all the blame for the failing academic standards. I am an elementary education major and have grown up as a teacher’s kid and have always found this statement and fact somewhat interesting. Now attending college I understand this statement, and reasoning behind it, a bit more as I have begun to receive a better education.…
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Education is essential for the advancement in nearly every aspect of life. Without the opportunity to learn there is no opportunity for change. America’s education system is subpar in its ability to provide the right types of opportunity to its students and their individual needs due to its widespread use of the common core system. This system requires all schools across the nation to generalize education and instill the same basic curricular upon every student. Although this does provide equal opportunity for students to achieve the same amount of success, it is too generalized to meet the individual’s future interests, teaches students to memorize instead of understand, and punishes students who may lack in one area but excel in others. the…
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In 1965, President Johnson initiated a concept program due to the fact that a large number of American’s were unable to pass the military’s basic skills entrance test (Casey, 2013). The American country is moving towards that trend again: 75% of young adults (17-24) are unable to join the military due to lack of education, stemming from dropping out and not completing High School, which leads these adults into poverty and crime (Casey, 2013). Academic progress depends largely on understanding, analyzing, and applying information gathered through reading (CompassNow Education Indicators 2015.) Many people involved in studying children have realized the vitality of being proficient by their third grade year. Many students go on to drop out of…
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Have you ever wondered how far your education can take you? Everyone wants to live The American Dream, and with that dream comes The American Dream of Education. Society expects us to do well in school and graduate with the highest degree in college. This does not come easy to most Americans. John Taylor Gatto the author of “Against School” says “help kids take an education rather than merely receive a schooling.” (143). What Gatto means by saying that is that even though we are given the opportunity for a free education we still must choose between just receiving the education, because it’s the law, or being focused and motivated and take the education given…
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The goal of education should be to teach children how to think for themselves, not necessarily to teach them what to think. After completing school, graduates should feel prepared to handle adult problems on their own. However, the American education system oftentimes does not seem to strive for such things. Standardized testing and competitiveness with other nations has led to stressed, overworked students who feel unprepared to do anything besides memorize information. In addition, numerous schools across the country are underfunded, and therefore unable to provide the quality of education that they would like to. If these issues are addressed, the outcome will be healthier, happier, and brighter students.…
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America’s workforce is below average. Well, it does sound like a crazy statement but America’s job market is more gilded than we thought. With over 5.6 million job openings reported by both the Bureau of Labor Statistics and, it has no signs of stopping. This is due to the persistent component that hasn’t been addressed, which, you guessed it, is our unskilled workers. Also known as the skills gap issue, many employers find it difficult to obtain enough workers that are qualified for their vacancies and leads to them losing potential profits. As a high school student, the American institutional instruction are no longer enough to prepare our young prospects, like myself, for future in-demand jobs. It’s adamant that American education still withholds the same standards and content taught in the past 20+ years, whilst our society continue to evolve.…
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American education began as a way to prepare students for roles in plantation life. An education was only provided for white students and was privately taught. Throughout American history public education has changed, but the education they are getting is not the best.The problems with the American education system are getting to a point where one wonders if there should even be a system in America. Education from the past to present has gone from bad to worse in the last 250 years, and the solutions to the problem aren’t effective enough to prepare you for a 21st century job or prepare you for college.…
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One of the basic purposes of education is to pass on the knowledge of the past in order to have a framework with which to evaluate the present and to make proper decisions for the future. I agree with that statement one-hundred percent. Without a proper education the students of today would not know how or what to teach the students of the future. So it would eventually become a cycle, that would progressively get worse and worse. So with that being said I think education in schools should increase. And the more you increase the knowledge students of today learn the better the students of the future will be. As an educated nation we can function better and make better choices that help our nation as a whole. And in this time of need our nation needs all of the help it can get. With that being said I agree that students need to be taught as much as they can so they can pass on the knowledge that they have learned to future generations to increase our total knowledge.…
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I agree with Spencer’s statement that the aim of education is action, not knowledge because society experiences improvements when educated people take actions. The mandatory requirement of education is action because it brings to knowledge the dynamic process of interaction within the world. One historical and concrete example that action is the aim of education occurred during the Nazi Regime. In that time, Hitler killed millions of Jews, and institutions and people filled with knowledge did not speak out in order to oppose his atrocity. Evidently, in that case education did not reach its aim because that people did not act to stop the persecution against Jews. It shows how knowledge with no actions can lead to negligent decisions or unjust attitudes against people and/or groups. Education’s main purpose is to open the individual’s mind and make the concepts received from teachers, instructors or professors be transformed into genuine actions. Knowledge is just the support that makes people think logically and critically. The aim of education is action because it is the only way to recognize what is right and wrong. By action, the individual opposes wrongdoing and improves society.…
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