Norms, rules, roles, and networks are situational factors that influence encoding and decoding of both verbal and nonverbal messages within a culture. Norms are culturally ingrained principles of correct and incorrect behaviors that, if broken, carry a form of overt or covert penalty. They are unwritten guidelines people within the cultural group follow. Rules are formed to clarify cloudy areas of norms. A role includes the behavioral expectations of a position within a culture and is affected by norms and rules. Networks are formed with personal ties and involve an exchange of assistance. Networks and the need to belong are the basis of friendships and subgroups. The ability to develop networks in intercultural situations can enable you to do business more effectively in multicultural environments. In some cultures such as the Arab, Spanish, and Japanese, networking is essential because they prefer to conduct business with people they know or with associates of people they know. When the United States decided to help the people of Kuwait defend themselves against Iraq in 1992, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations called in the other ambassadors within his network for their concurrence.
Explanation of Revisions:
Based on the article we read this week, I revised the paragraph in our exercise in accordance with the Situation-Complication-Solution technique. Using this technique, we needed to create a response to the implied question, “what should we do?” The opening sentences serves as the bottom line of the paragraph as well as provides a factual anchor for the reader. The next few sentences continue to build the factual anchor the reader needs to outline the situation at hand. From there, I based the reconstruction of sentences off of what would make the memo have a reader friendly flow. The memo should flow as if it is telling a story yet be as clear and direct as possible.
Flood, Ph.D, T. (2008). MBA Fundamentals
References: Flood, Ph.D, T. (2008). MBA Fundamentals Business Writing. New York: Kaplan Publishing. Weeks, H. (2005). The best memo you’ll ever write. Harvard Management Communication Letter. 3-5. Weiss, E. (2005). The Elements of International English Style. New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.