Different Types of Abuse
Physical Abuse: Physical abuse is an act of another party involving contact intended to cause feelings of physical pain, injury, other physical suffering or bodily harm. In addition, symptoms of depression, emotional distress, and suicidal ideation are also common features of people who have been physically abused. (5.1.1)
Warning signs and symptoms of physical abuse:
Frequent injuries or unexplained bruises, welts, or cuts.
Appearing always watchful and “on alert,” as if waiting for something bad to happen.
Injuries appear to have a pattern such as marks from a hand or belt.
Shies away from touch, flinches at sudden movements, or seems afraid to go home.
Wears inappropriate clothing to cover up injuries, such as long-sleeved shirts on hot days.
Bed sores
Multiple bruising
Unexplained weight loss
Assault (can be intentional or reckless)
Sexual Abuse: Sexual abuse refers to any action that pressures or coerces someone to do something sexually they don 't want to do. It can also refer to behavior that impacts a person 's ability to control their sexual activity or the circumstances in which sexual activity occurs, including oral sex, rape or restricting access to birth control and condoms. (5.1.1)
Warning signs and symptoms of sexual abuse:
Loss of sleep
Unexpected or unexplained change in behaviour
Soreness around the genitals
Torn, stained or bloody underwear
A preoccupation with anything sexual
Sexually transmitted diseases
Rape – e.g. a male member of staff having sex with a Mental Health client (see Mental Health Act 1983)
Indecent Assault
Makes strong efforts to avoid a specific person, without an obvious reason.
Doesn’t want to change clothes in front of others or participate in physical activities.
Trouble walking or sitting.
Displays knowledge or interest in