Qualitative research design is flexible and exploratory in nature. This method allows the researcher to adjust data continuously until a full meaning and knowledge of what is being researched is achieved. It deals with subjective data that is received from human beings through interviews and questionnaire surveys. …show more content…
The questionnaire was designed in accordance with the outcome of the literature review and the objectives of the study. Due to time constraint, the questionnaire was designed for the project proponents and environmental consultant. The questionnaire was designed to cover the set objectives of the study (See Appendix 1). Questions were specifically designed to examine the effectiveness of the public participation process regarding the Mitchellsplein Phillipi 400KV power line. All the questions allowed for the participant to provide comments if they so wish. The questions are open ended in …show more content…
This method was used in order to restrict the sample size to the proponents of the proposed Mitchellsplein Phillipi 400KV power line. The reason for this was because of the time constraints associated with this study.
3.8 Ethical considerations
Participants were verbally informed that they are free to decline to take part in the study and that they may withdraw at any point in the research process. The questionnaire contains information about the name of the institution and the title of the research. The research instrument required the participant to indicate their position and the name of the company. It further made optional for participants to provide their names. The participants were informed that the information provided was for the purposes of research and that their responses would be treated with confidentiality.
3.9 Constraints
The study had to be limited to four months due to the expected conclusion time of the study. Therefore the study focussed on only the project proponents and the environmental consultant as its population. The study thus excluded the interested and affected parties that participated in the EIA process of the Mitchellsplein Phillipi 400KV power