The purpose of Quality Assurance is to ensure quality in all aspects of assessment. This is done through the processes of internal and external verification.
Internal Verification
As part of the process of checks to ensure that national standards are maintained, all assessors’ assessment decisions are subject to a process of verification. An internal verifier monitors assessment decisions made by the assessor to ensure they are consistent, fair, valid and reliable.
Methods of Quality Assurance monitoring include:
• Observation of the assessor
• Candidate interview
• Examination of the portfolio
• Standardisation
External Verification
The External Verifier has a duty to ensure that the assessment within centres and across different centres is to the same standard. To achieve this, EV’s regularly monitor centre’s and may wish to sample portfolios, discuss evidence with candidates or you and check assessment and IV decisions. Typically a centre will receive 2 visits per year from the external verifier. He/she will request in advance to see a selection of learner’s files and meet a selection of assessors. The EV will sample the files to ensure the procedures are being followed, check certificates and centre documentation.
The EV visit is graded, this is different between awarding bodies, but with NCFE is it grade 1-5, 1 being outstanding and 5 being poor. Most centre’s who have achieved a grade 1 or 2 consecutively for 2 visits will be granted direct claim status. This means that they will be able to apply for certificates without the EV sampling the files.
Your role in Quality Assurance
As an assessor, you have a part to play in contributing to the quality assurance process.
This is done by:
• Making sure your assessment records are accurate and up to date, and can be followed by an audit.
• Attend standardisation meetings or contribute to the standardisation process so your assessment decisions are always in line