2. Understand how to plan the internal quality assurance of assessment
Planning and preparing internal quality assurance activities: identifying what and for whom eg qualification, module, unit, assignment, performance/assessment criteria, standards, product versus process, involvement of learners, assessors, trainers, teachers, tutors, employers, others; timing ,frequency and context e.g. planning, formative, summative, intervention; quality assurance of process and product, who; recording and sharing outcomes; feedback, support, advice.
Internal quality assurance plans: should include coverage of a range of aspects of assessment e.g. every learner, assessor, location, unit of assessment, assessment method, examination of products of work; standardisation meetings e.g. current and new standards, completing documentation, standardising approaches; require flexibility to take account of emerging needs, timings, frequency, intervention, monitoring of practice, observation of practice, interviews, feedback from learners/peers/employers, sharing good practice, work shadowing; product and process checks.
Preparations for internal quality assurance: planning appropriate approaches to information collection, interrogation/analysis of data collected; communicate and negotiate with learners/assessors/colleagues/employers; administrative arrangements e.g. timing, venue, agenda, CPD activities to prepare participants; resources e.g. assessors’ records, assessment plans, sampling,