The field of quality assurance is an old as modern nursing. Florence Nightingale introduced the concept of quality in nursing care in 1855 while attending the soldiers in the hospital during the Crimean war. It is a matter of pride for nurses that the nursing profession has attained a distinct position in the search for quality in health care. Quality is rapidly becoming concern to both consumers and the providers of the services. In health care quality is being demanded and expected and providers are judged by the quality of services and hence there is a need to sensitize and train nursing personnel to provide quality care
The dictionaries define quality as “a degree of excellence a peculiar and essential character”.
Quality is defined as the extent of resemblance between the purpose of healthcare and the truly granted care -(Donabedian 1986).
Definition of Quality Assurance * Quality assurance is a dynamic process through which nurses assume accountability for quality of care they provide. * Bull 1985 defined quality assurance as the monitoring of the activities of client care to determine the degree of excellence attained to the implementation of the activities.
Quality control * It is a specific type of controlling, refers to activities that evaluate, monitor, or regulate services rendered to consumer.
Definition of standards
A standard is a predetermined level of excellence that serve as a guide for practice. Standards have distinguish characteristic, they are predetermined, established by an authority, and communicated to and accepted by the people affected by the standards.
ANA Standards of nursing practice * The collection of data about the health status of clients is systematic and continuous. The data are accessible, communicated and recorded.