As our club as known as an old-fashioned club, provide poor services and management, unable to meet customers’ needs and wants, unclear future directions that is the main reasons of resignation, it is necessary to set up a quality assurance system which can help our club to meet the challenges.
Standard Operating Procedures
A well-written SOP can be used to satisfy compliance requirements. SOPs are recommended for all procedures that pose a potential risk to the health and safety of personnel.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) lets you operationalize documents such as plans, regulation, compliance, and policies. SOPs distil requirements contained in these documents into a format that can be used by staff members in their work environment.
Firstly, for the tools and equipment, as the tools and equipment can quickly become disorganized due to many tools being used at one time, it is important to implement a standard operating procedure for them. There are three conditions under tools and equipment procedure.
The first one is inventory. In order to ensure tools and equipment are not being lost or misplaced, there should be a tool rooms. Tool rooms benefit greatly from regular inventories of tools and equipment. Specifically, it is important to check that all tools are accounted for and all tools are stored in their appropriate locations.
The second one is documentation. All staff, including tool room attendants, mechanics and other personal, should sign out all tools and equipment before their use. Tools should be put back in the appropriate location when they use. Personal should then record this information accordingly on the sign-out sheet.
The last one is tool requisition. When new tools or equipment are required, personnel should fill out a requisition order, which should include an item number, a description that all the detail of the tool.
Implementing procedure of tools and equipment, we