Focusing on Customer
(Review Questions)
Submitted by:
Frances Marie Perez
Dan Kenneth Reyes
1. Explain the difference between satisfaction and loyalty. Why is loyalty more important?
Customer loyalty is unnerving and unswerving; it cannot easily be changed, even in the face of remarkably changed situations. Customer satisfaction on the other hand is immensely fickle, and can change dramatically, even with the slightest of changes in situations. Loyalty is the willingness to make an investment.
2. What is Consumer Benefit Package? Why is it important in understanding satisfaction and loyalty?
Consumer Benefit Package is the total package of products and services that a business offers with the price. Loyalty is one of the most important indicators of good performing companies. Satisfaction is directly linked to customer loyalty it is evident that measuring customer satisfaction without taking customer loyalty into account and vice versa would be misleading.
3. Describe the model used in computing the American Customer Satisfaction Index. How might a business use the information from the ACSI database?
Used to produce ACSI links customer satisfaction to its determinants: customer expectations, perceived value, and perceived quality.
4. Explain the Customer-driven quality cycle. What do expected quality, actual quality, and perceived quality mean, and how do they relate with one another?
Customer driven quality represents a proactive approach to satisfying customer needs that is based on gathering data about our customers to learn their needs and preferences and then providing products and services that satisfy the customer. To view of the process in which customer needs and expectations are translated into perceptions during the design, production, and delivery processes.
5. List and provide an example of the six leading practices of customer-focused quality.
a. They clearly define key customer groups