Dawn Stevane
PED212: Foundation of Movement & Motor Activities (BDF1117A)
Monica Claridge
May 23, 2011
Physical education is very important for children to participate in; because it will help the children stay active and can help with the overwhelming obesity population in the world. It also helps them with their cognitive skills, social skills, gross motor, and fine motor skills. A quality elementary physical education also helps the children move within their home and school environment. I think that no matter if there is money in the budget or not, they should always have physical education in the schools to help the children stay active and become active in their later years. The physical education should always be fun and interactive to keep the children engaged and wanting to participate. If a child is bored they will not want to participate and then they may never want to participate in physical education again. I know this is hard to do, but it is not as hard as it seems. I understand every school is different and has different curriculums to follow, but teachers should put the children’s needs first when writing a plan. “A Curriculum is defined as; all the experiences of the learner in an educational setting” (Kovar pg. 175). This simply means that the physical education is the study of movement and that each grade level has its own level. This is true because every child learns at their own pace and some might take longer to get there. There is really no physical education curriculum, it is up to the teacher to provide a goal with benchmarks, lesson plans that include student outcomes, and formative and summative evaluations that indicate the student’s progress. The key ingredient in making a successful physical education curriculum is to always have fun, which means the teacher and the student.
There are eight movement forms in developing a sequence for a physical education, they are:
References: Campbell, K., Combs, C., Kovar, S., Napper-Owen, G., & Worrell, V. (2009). Elementary teachers as movement educators (3rd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill http://www.ukessays.com/essays/physical-education/school-sports.php http://www.wvdhhr.org/bph/oehp/hp/card/phyeddef.htm