She was very well educated, intelligent, determined, and shrewd.
She died in Richmond palace on 24 March 1603. The date of her accession was a national holiday for two hundred years.
England saw many great voyages of discovery at the time of Elizabeth 1st reign. The expeditions were especially to America and they prepared England to an age of settlement and trade development.
The Elizabethan period was the golden age of the English literature. Many famous writers began to write. What was the influence of Elizabeth the 1st on the English literature? The monarchy in England is a tradition of thousands of years. Each king and queen had influenced the history of England. Some of them were ret worriers and brought great victories to England. Others changed significantly people's life. The time of Elizabeth 1st reign was the golden age of English literature. Who was Elizabeth 1st? How did she influence the flowering of English literature? Elizabeth thought that literature and culture is very important. She encouraged poets and even wrote poems herself (Elizabeth's poem is attached in the appendix). The fact that Elizabeth was a poet herself, made the poets think, that literature is important to the queen and writing more plays and poems will make them more appreciated by the queen. Being a poet at the Elizabethan time was a good work. People appreciated literary life. This situation created competition between the poets of this time. This competition made poets write more and more poems and plays. They tried to write more interesting and new poems. The poets just wanted to be more famous and appreciated. For example: William Shakespeare, maybe he most popular poet of