Questionnaire for TIMS-Training Information Management System
The purpose of this survey is to collect useful information about our students and training program. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey, and if you have any trouble answering any question, please go on and fill out the rest of the survey. Your feedback and your answers will be valuable for our improvement.
General Course Information 1. Have you taken any courses from SCR in the past? Yes | No, go to Question 7 2. What is the best course that you have taken from us? Microsoft Office 2007 Windows Vista Microsoft Access SQL Microsoft Access Java In-house Inventory system Visual Basic Other: _______________________ 3. What is the course that you dislike the most from us? Microsoft Office 2007 Windows Vista Microsoft Access SQL Microsoft Access Java In-house Inventory system Visual Basic Other: _______________________ 4. How satisfied were you with our up-to-date technical content?
Very dissatisfied 1 2 3 4 5 Very satisfied 5. How satisfied were you with our instructional methods?
Very dissatisfied 1 2 3 4 5 Very satisfied 6. How likely will you recommend our computer course(s) to your colleague?
Very unlikely 1 2 3 4 5 Very likely 7. What course(s) are you currently interested in taking? Microsoft Office 2007 Windows Vista Microsoft Access SQL Microsoft Access Java In-house Inventory system Visual Basic Other: _______________________ 8. Are you currently pursuing any computer related professional certifications? Yes | No 9. Would you be interested in getting certification from SCR after successfully completing the courses? Yes | No, please describe the reason in the space