BRAC Business School
BRAC University
66, Mohakhali C/A
With due respect, as student of MGT 301, we have prepared a report on Beach Hatchery Ltd’s Training and Development.
We have tried our best to follow your guidelines in every aspect of planning our report. We have collected what we believe to be the most important information to make our report as specific and coherent as possible. We enjoyed the challenge of preparing the report as provided us with an opportunity to increase our understanding how training and development is executed within an organization. We earnestly thank you for your guidance during the preparation of this report. We hope you will appreciate our combined effort put forth hereby.
Md. Sabbir Rahman Bhuiyan 09204133
Sabbir Bin Anis 09204028
A.M Tamim Ahmed 09204055
Shaon Saha 09204053
Md. Towhidul Islam 09204056
We take the opportunity to express our gratitude to all the concerned people who have directly or indirectly contributed towards completion of this project. We extend our sincere gratefulness towards Beach Hatchery Ltd for providing the opportunity and resources to work on this project.
We are extremely thankful to Rabeed Isalm for guiding us through the project and providing us with the organization insights.
Last, but not the least, thanks to our family and friends, our team mates at BRAC University for all their support. Without their encouragement, we would not have made it this far.
Executive summary
Beach Hatchery LTD is one of the well known organizations is our country. Their training and development methods will be evolved day by day and they are working on it. BHL started their journey in 1994. And since then they are doing business in our country. It is a public limited company. And they are now looking forward to expand their business and to create new jobs for unemployed people of our country. We tried to find out the training and development system of BHL and we got those information’s. They got them all but the problem is that there is no separate HR department in BHL.
Chapter: 1
This Training and development report is basically based on Beach Hatchery LTD. The training is a very essential thing for each and every organization. And BHL is not different from them. For the better future for the organization the organization needs a very good training system. From the survey we found out that BHL don’t have any separate department. So they need to open a separate HR department as soon as possible. BHL is one of the biggest hatchery`s in Bangladesh. Most of the demands of shrimp fry are being supplied by them. As a big organization they need to improve their internal problems. BHL got the vision to be the biggest organization of the country, so they should do what is mandatory to achieve that vision.
The objectives of the study were to assess the overall accessibility of training and development, as well as the extent to which training and development is managed effectively. The survey also includes what methods are followed in the organization, how the trained and evaluated them etc.
Primary Objective
The primary objective of my study at The Beach Hatchery Limited to lay down the foundation of training and development.
Secondary objective
The objective of my study about employees training and development to improve the current process of employees training and development at The Beach Hatchery Limited
My another objective is to apply my learning in the area of Human Resources so that I gain significant practical and Understand the nature and importance of training and development and identify the various inputs that should go into any programme.
Delineate the different stages in a training and development programme and describe each step.
Understand the need for and the ways of training for international assignments.
The following methods were used to carry out this study:
A review of training and development information contained in policies; guidelines; reports
CEO of the organization was interviewed
An analysis of collected and
This research provides me with an opportunity to explore in the field of Human Resources. This research also provides the feedback of people involved in the Training and development process Apart from that it would provide me a great deal of exposure to interact with the high profile managers of the company.
Only one person was interviewed and surveyed for this report. So, there could have been distortion of information. Moreover the data could not be verified because there were no published articles or info about training and development of that organization.
Chapter 2:
1. Background Information:
The Beach Hatchery Limited was incorporated with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 9th August, 1994 as Private Limited Company under the Companies Act, 1913 and subsequently been converted as a Public Limited Company on 15th November 1995 under the Companies Act, 1994. The Shares of the company are publicly traded of the floors of the Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges. The Beach Hatchery Limited produces Shrimp Fry to sell in the local market. It has gone into commercial production from 1st January, 1997. The registered office of the company is situated at TMC Building (8th floor), 52 New Eskaton Road, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh and the factory of the company is situated at Moheshkhalipara, Teknaf Sea beach, Teknaf, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.
2.1. Strategic goals of BHL:
Chairman and board of directors set up strategic goal each year regarding company’s performance like increasing earnings per share from 2.54 Tk. to 3.5 Tk in 2011. To make it possible some supporting strategy is formulated. Each departmental head is given sub goals which helps to accomplish organizational goal. Example- Head of production department is given the goal of increase the production of fry by 10% by next year. Head of marketing department is given the goal of collecting money from selling of fry within 7 days of selling and so on.
2.2. Objectives:
The top level people of Beach Hatchery Ltd decide the organizational goals. So to attain those goals they use some strategies. Like to attain their goal they divide it in several parts and send them to each department and they also give some guide lines to attain those goals. These works as objectives for those departments.
2.3. Mission:
As the BHL`s vision is to expand their business and become the market leader, so they are trying to collect more capital from the capital market and they are also upgrading the quality of their product to grab the higher portion of the market.
2.4. Vision:
They want to expand their business to the certain level so that they can become the market leader and dominate the market.
2.5. Philosophy:
According to the C.E.O of BHL, “BHL`s wants to be a huge employer if this country”. Currently they are expanding their business, for that they are hiring more people and they want to create more jobs for the unemployed people.
1. Organizational Chart of BHL:
Organizational Chart of Beach Hatchery LTD is given below:
There is no separate department for HR in Beach Hatchery LTD. HR works are done by the directors and C.E.O. But they are going to start an HR department very soon.
Chapter: 3
1. Introduction about training
Training is the learning experience is that it seeks a relatively permanent change in an individual that will improve his or her ability to perform on the job. We typically say training can involve the changing of skills, knowledge, attitudes, or social behavior. It may mean changing what employees know, how they work, their attitudes towards their work, or their interactions with their co-workers or their supervisor.
“Training refers to the methods used to give new or present employees the skills they need to perform their jobs”
-Gary Dessler
“Training is the creation of an environment where employees may acquire or learn specific, job-related behaviors, knowledge, skills, abilities and attitude”
-Terry Leap and Crino
2. Importance of training
In our county labor cost is really cheap. Moreover they are inexperienced and have lower level of skill. So, if we can manage to broaden the skills of our country’s labor resources then the economy will be on rise. To broaden their skill proper training is needed. With proper training we will be able to,
Optimum Utilization of Human Resources – Training helps in optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the employee to achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual goals.
Development of Human Resources – Training helps to provide an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human resources’ technical and behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the employees in attaining personal growth.
Development of skills of employees – Training helps in increasing the job knowledge and skills of employees at each level. It helps to expand the horizons of human intellect and an overall personality of the employees.
Increase Productivity – Training helps in increasing the productivity of the employees that helps the organization further to achieve its long-term goal.
Organization Culture – Training helps to develop and improve the organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning culture within the organization.
Organization Climate – Training helps building the positive perception and feeling about the organization. The employees get these feelings from leaders, subordinates, and peers.
Ensure Health and Safety – Training helps in improving the health and safety of the organization thus preventing obsolescence.
Build Morale – Training helps in improving the morale of the work force.
Crate Image – Training helps in creating a better corporate image.
Increase Profitability – Training leads to improved profitability and more positive attitudes towards profit orientation.
3. Various types of training and development methods.
There are many methods of training. Few of them are discussed below,
Lectures: Lecture is a verbal presentation of information by an instructor to a large audience. The lecture is presumed to possess a considerable depth of knowledge of the subject at hand. This method is widely used in colleges, universities, and seminars.
The most important advantage of this method is depth knowledge of instructor. Second this method is less expensive as it trainees a large number of audience at one time.
Limitations of the lecture method account for its low popularity. The method violates the principle of learning by practice. It constitutes a one-way communication. There is no feedback from the audience. Continued lecturing is likely to bore the audience.
Programmed Instruction: This is the method where training is offered without intervention of a trainer. Information is provided to the trainee in blocks, either in a book form of through a teaching machine. After reading each block of material, the learner must answer a question about it. A feedback in the form of correct answers is provided after each response.
Thus, programmed instruction (PI) involves:
1) Presenting questions, facts, or problems to the learner.
2) Allowing the person to respond.
3) Providing feedback on the accuracy of his or her answers.
4) If the answers are correct, the learner proceeds to the next block. If not he or she repeat the same.
The main advantage of PI is that it is self-paced-trainees can process through the programmes at their own speed. Strong motivation is provided to the learner to repeat learning. Material is also structured and self-contained, offering much scope of practice.
The disadvantages are not to be ignored. The scope for learning is less, compared to the other methods of training. Cost of preparing books, manuals and machinery is considerably high.
Case Study: The case method is a non-directed method of study whereby students are provided with practical case reports to analyze. The case report includes a thorough description of a simulated or real-life situation. By analyzing the problems presented in the case report and developing possible solutions, students can be encouraged to think independently as opposed to relying upon the direction of an instructor. Independent case analysis can be supplemented with open discussion with a group. The main benefit of the case method is its use of real-life situations. The multiplicity of problems and possible solutions provide the student with a practical learning experience rather than a collection of abstract knowledge and theories that may be difficult to apply to practical situations.
Role Playing: In role playing, students assume a role outside of themselves and play out that role within a group. A facilitator creates a scenario that is to be acted out by the participants under the guidance of the facilitator. While the situation might be contrived, the interpersonal relations are genuine. Furthermore, participants receive immediate feedback from the facilitator and the scenario itself, allowing better understanding of their own behavior. This training method is cost effective and is often applied to marketing and management training.
Simulation: A simulator is any kind of equipment or technique that duplicates as nearly as possible the actual conditions encountered on the job. Simulation then, is an attempt to create a realistic decision making environment for the trainee. Simulations present likely problem situations and decision alternatives to the trainee.
For example, activities of an organization may be simulated and the trainee may be asked to make the decision in support to those activities. The results of those decisions are reported back to the trainee with an explanation of what would have happened had they actually been made in the workplace.
The trainee learns from this feedback and improves his/her subsequent simulation and workplace decisions.The more widely held simulation exercises are case study, role playing and vestibule training.
Computer Based Training: Computer-based training (CBT) involves the use of computers and computer-based instructional materials as the primary medium of instruction. Computer-based training programs are designed to structure and present instructional materials and to facilitate the learning process for the student. A main benefit of CBT is that it allows employees to learn at their own pace, during convenient times. Primary uses of CBT include instruction in computer hardware, software, and operational equipment. The last is of particular importance because CBT can provide the student with a simulated experience of operating a particular piece of equipment or machinery while eliminating the risk of damage to costly equipment by a trainee or even a novice user. At the same time, the actual equipment's operational use is maximized because it need not be utilized as a training tool. The use of computer-based training enables a small business to reduce training costs while improving the effectiveness of the training. Costs are reduced through a reduction in travel, training time, amount of operational hardware, equipment damage, and instructors. Effectiveness is improved through standardization and individualization. In recent years, videodisc and CD-ROM have been successfully integrated into PC-platforms, increasing the flexibility and possibilities of CBT.
Audio-Visual Training: Audiovisual training methods include television, films, and videotapes. Like case studies, role playing, and simulations, they can be used to expose employees to "real world" situations in a time- and cost-effective manner. The main drawback of audiovisual training methods is that they cannot be customized for a particular audience, and they do not allow participants to ask questions or interact during the presentation of material.
Apprenticeship and internships: Apprenticeships are a form of on-the-job training in which the trainee works with a more experienced employee for a period of time, learning a group of related skills that will eventually qualify the trainee to perform a new job or function. Apprenticeships are often used in production-oriented positions. Internships are a form of apprenticeship which combines on-the-job training under a more experienced employee with classroom learning.
Job Rotation: Another type of experience-based training is job rotation, in which employees move through a series of jobs in order to gain a broad understanding of the requirements of each. Job rotation may be particularly useful in small businesses, which may feature less role specialization than is typically seen in larger organizations
4. Objectives of training
The principal objective of training and development division is to make sure the availability of a skilled and willing workforce to an organization. In addition to that, there are four other objectives: Individual, Organizational, Functional, and Societal.
Individual Objectives:–
1) Helping and individual in making better decision and effective problem solving.
2) Through training and development, motivational variables of recognition, achievement, growth, responsibility and advancement are internalized and operationalized.
3) Aid in encouraging and achieving self–development and self-confidence.
4) Helping a person handle stress, tension, frustration and conflict.
5) Providing information for improving leadership, knowledge, communication skills and attitudes.
6) Increasing job satisfaction and recognition.
Organizational Objectives:–
1) Improving communication between group and individuals.
2) Aid in orientation of new employee and those taking new job through transfer or promotion.
3) Providing information on equal opportunities and affirmative action.
4) Providing information on other government laws and administration policies.
5) Improving interpersonal skills.
6) Making organizational policies, rules and regulations viable.
7) Building cohesiveness in group.
8) Providing a good climate for learning, growth and co-ordination.
9) Making the organization a better place to work and live.
Functional and Societal Objectives –
1) Improves communication between group and individuals.
2) Aid in orientation of new employee and those taking new job through transfer or promotion.
3) Provides information on equal opportunities and affirmative action.
4) Provides information on other government laws and administration policies.
5) Improve interpersonal skills.
6) Makes organizational policies, rules and regulations viable.
7) Builds cohesiveness in group.
2. Performance Standard for overall organization (Succession Planning):
There are different performances standards are set up for different departments throughout organization. But for the top level management the standards are different. In BHL they have selected their current C.E.O from their company named Meghna Sea Foods Ltd. As the person was successful as a Managing Director in Meghna Sea Foods Ltd so the board of directors of BHL gave him the extra responsibility of BHL and made him the C.E.O of BHL.
3. Cost of training:
In BHL giving training to the employees is a very important thing as they are a production oriented company. For the root level people the cost of training per person is not very high it’s about tk.500 to tk.1000. And for the management people they use provisionary period. In this time the hired people learns their works and they are paid in a small amount. The reason for low training cost is most of their trainers are internal people. So it helps them to reduce their training cost. But for special cases they use external trainers also.
4. Steps of training and development methods used by BHL:
BHL uses several steps in their training and development method. They are described below:
Step 1: In first step they identity which of the employees needs training. And for that they arrange some interview session once in three months. As their organization is a production based organization so their employees needs to be uptodated. And for that they take interviews of their employees and get the idea about them.
Step2: After taking the interview they decide which of the employees needs more training and who don’t. There is a standard on which the interviewers give marks to the employees. And on the basis of that marks the employees are given training.
Step3: After selecting the people for training BHL arranges some training sessions lead by their internal trainers. But in special cases they also get trainers from outside.
Step4: After completing the training period the employees needs to face interview again. After getting the interview of those employees the interviewers decides whether they need further training for that session or not. If an employee fails several times in interview he/she may lose their job.
In the above mentioned steps the Beach Hatchery LTD runs their training their training and development methods. These are not the fixed steps they are improving it when it is needed.
5. Types of training and development methods gives by BHL:
Beach Hatchery LTD basically uses four types of training and development methods. They selected these methods according to their organizations needs. The methods used by the BHL are described below:
I. Class room training from senior staff:
These types of trainings are basically given to root level people and the officers. For root level workers the training held in their Teknaf factory and it is given by the senior staffs. But for the officers the training is held in their Dhaka office and it is held by the senior staffs of the department.
II. Seminars:
Seminars are mainly used when a new thing is introduced in the organization. For root level workers they don’t get this kind of training. In this case the trainers attain the seminars and get trained and after that they train the root level workers. But in case of officers the organization arranges seminars and they get training directly from there. These seminars are mainly instructed by external trainers.
III. Informal Learning:
In BHL informal learning is also present. If employees things that they need to learn something from their senior`s then they can learn it from them. And the organization also allows them to do so.
6. Evaluation of training and development methods:
In BHL they have their own way to evaluate their training and development method. Firstly they take department wise interviews to check the levels of the employees. They also have something called performance card. Each department heads give their feedback about their subordinate in the performance card in every three months. After getting those feedback organization decided whether they need to improve their training methods or not. If they need further improvement then they improve that. Or if they think the employee needs more training then they also provide that.
Chapter: 4
1. The questionnaire that we have used to collect our information is attached in the next page:
2. Analysis of the questionnaire:
After analyzing the questionnaire we found out that the data provided by the C.E.O of BHL is 85% valid. Because as we know that they don’t have a separate HR department, so there are some lackings in their training and development programs. The C.E.O gave us the information about training and development of BHL but from his answer we think that he didn’t gave 100% valid information to us. But most of the data`s given by him was helpful and valid. From the data we can say that inspite of not having a separate HR department; they are doing well with their training and development.
Chapter: 5
1. Recommendation: From our point of view we think that as the BHL is a public limited company and they are also large in size, so they should have a separate HR department. They should also improve their training and development methods. Otherwise it will be very hard for them to survive in the long run. Furthermore, BHL can achieve forward and backward integration than BHL can have synergic effect. BHL can achieve backward integration by procuring trawler which can be used to capture mother shrimp from sea. BHL should set up solar panel to take care of load shading. For forward integration BHL can establish shrimp culture firm to reduce dependency on market. BHL should also have some lobbing with government to ban the use of fry from natural sources as it destroys larva of other fish in the process. It will create huge demand for BHL. BHL can achieve tremendous growth if it can follow the above strategies.
2. Conclusion:
As the only listed public limited shrimp hatchery BHL has opportunity to raise its capital from capital market for business expansion. BHL is performing better in the past few years. If BHL can utilize their man power then BHL may generate huge revenue.
Appendix: Reference list
1. www.google.com
2. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/objective
3. Human Resource Management by Gray Dessler and Biju Varkkey
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