Dear Sir/ Madam, I am doing a research work on Employees Training Effectiveness.
I would request you to kindly spare some time to fill up this Questionnaire.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Name :
Age :
Sex :
Designation :
Department :
1. How many training programs have you attended?
Less than 5 5-10 More than 10
2. How many training programs have been arranged in the past one year?
One Two Three More than 3
3. Are you satisfied with the training and development programs in the organisation?
Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral
Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied
4. What mode of training method is normally used in your organisation?
On the Job Of the Job Apprenticeship Others
5. What change do you notice in you after the training program?
Increased Motivation Attitudinal Change
Improved Technical skill No change
6. How do you rate the annual training program?
Very Effective Effective Neutral
Effective Not Highly ineffective
7. How well the workplace of the training is physically organized?
Excellent Good Average Bad
8. Are you satisfied with the trainers?
Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral
Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied
9. The training program in the company improves your work efficiency. Do you agree?
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral
Disagree Strongly Disagree
10. Does the training help you to handle stress, tension, frustration and conflict?
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral
Disagree Strongly Disagree
11. How much improvement has occurred in the confidence level after the training program?
Excellent Good Average No Improvement
12. Do you think that the training has increased the capacity of employees to achieve desired objectives?
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral
Disagree Strongly Disagree
13. The training can enable employees to cope with organisational, social and