243 “” This quote shows that he really doesn’t trust people anymore because he is scared to get hurt and left alone because that has happened to him too many times. Even if there is a lady on the line he still can't trust them because he’s scared.
The writer writes very realistic, he doesn’t make the swear words come out to make it friendly language but writes like a story. Not as if he’s writing his story in a journal but to an audience 15 - adult, he doesn’t use a lot of figurative language but uses more descriptive language. I like this because he is able to paint a better picture inside my head of how his cellar smelled or looked, or how bad the hits were on his skin from his other.
When getting sexually abused his mother ued him for money by selling him to Uncle Douglas, she told him that he is going to become a child porn star. Since he went to school on weekdays every weekday he would go to where Douglas had his place set up, there were also other kids there which they were also child porn