Currently in RFL CO A 1/6 2D MARDIV, we maintain only 20% of our total 0311 Corporals (Cpl). Furthermore, we maintain a minimal 25% of our total 0311 Lance Corporal (LCpl) requirement. Additionally, we only maintain 21% of our 0311 Privates (Pvt) requirement. These three shortfalls are important since the Cpl’s are “Fireteam Leaders/Grenades”, LCpls are Squad Automatic Rifleman/Assistant Automatic Rifleman and the Pvts are Riflemen. If one was to break the above percentages into specific platoon they would find that 1st Platoon reports a more realistic number of 66% (6 …show more content…
On Hand/9 Required via T/O) for 0311 Cpl’s, 78% (14 On Hand/18 Required via T/O) 0311 LCpl’s, and 66% (6 On Hand/9 Required via T/O) 0311 Pvts. However, this is not acceptable on either a company or platoon level. Therefore, if we do not maintain the personal that we need as a company or a platoon we are being set up to fail and therefore we cannot realistically achieve our mission. Unfortunately, bad news does not seem to get better throughout this correspondence.
Furthermore, our company is short in weaponry as well. For instance E08927M (Grenade Laucher-M203A2), E09897M (Machine Gun, 7.62 MI-M240B), E14422M (Riffle, 5.56 MILLIMET- M16A4) and E17107G (Sight, Bore, Optical-TA31RCO-A4) are substantially deficient. The E08927M has been funded for 27 and we currently only have 15 on hand. Therefore, we only maintain 56% of the requirement that Headquarters Marine Corps has stated that we should have this year. E09897M which a reportable item according to the most recent Marine Corps Bulletin 3000 is displaying an on hand percentage of 75% (6 on hand and 8 funded). As of right know we only own 75 (E14422M) out of the 97 that were funded for our utilization so that we can have a chance of being successful. Finally, we only have 70 of the 97 funded
In conclusion, RFL CO A 1/6 2D MARDIV has a plethora of shortfalls that need to be filled in a short amount of time due to pre-deployment training requirements that will take place shortly as we prepare for our upcoming deployment that will begin in less than six months. Therefore, our success depends greatly on the filling of our shortfalls and the speed in which those shortfalls are addressed. Finally, our goal in Alpha Co is to adhere to our mission statement and ensure that our future enemy has a minimal chance of success.