In this Tim Wise discusses how the so called white privilege came about in the United States and how it was a big joke. He talks about how especially back during the Civil War that the world was off balance. White people were clearly more privileged and they may not have realized it until slavery came about. He mentions that the middle class people were fooled by those of the Elite class. The Elite class made them feel as though they were more important than there servants, which were normally African Americans, even though, the Elite did not care what everyone thought, they just wanted to stay on top. They felt that to stay on top they must create a class system. Elite was better than the Middle and Lower class, the Middle class was better than the Lower class, and if you were in the lower class you were nothing. Whites tended to be in both the Elite class and the Middle class while the African Americans fell in the Lower class, thus creating privilege.…
Indeed, the PBS documentary titled, “The Untouchables” clearly validated the fact that the criminal justice system stance against large corporations seemed too lenient despite the reckless activities these institutions pioneered to destabilize the global economy. Furthermore, Lanny Breuer, the Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, during his interview with the PBS Frontline producer, remained all the time defensive even when presented with the facts implicating the powerful American banks about promoting wrongdoings. Paradoxically, Breuer in his defense kept arguing that his investigation could not find sufficient evidence to indict the financial institutions.…
The Adam Foss's video lecture was informative. I was impressed how his desire for prestige and power had changed because he realized that his decision as a young prosecutor could damage a person for life. However, I agree with him in his point of view that the Criminal Justice System needs to be reform by providing resources to help in understanding why and what gave the defendant the mindset to engage in criminal activities. Nevertheless, our prison system is not equipped to create a productive system because of its negative environment only just remake some of them into a career criminal. This is what I have seen and had many inmates to share with me during my assessment interview. Therefore, as Mr. Foss has stated if the Criminal Justice…
The gripping novel “In The Heat Of The Night” written by John Ball in 1965 is a story about a black man named Virgil Tibbs suspected to be a murderer when a crime takes place in the City of Wells. In the mid 60’s black people were accused guilty by the white people because they do not have equal rights with the white people. The story is also about racism which is very well-known at that time until now. The novel has been made into a movie in 1967. The main character was played by Sidney Poitier, the first black man to receive an Oscars. There are several differences between the novel and the movie which made them effective and not. The description of characters is one of the main differences. Also, characters that is not in the novel but is in the movie is also one thing that differentiate them. The novel gives more meaning to the feelings of each characters towards each other which is good because the readers will understand more the characteristics of each character.…
While I always wanted to be a lawyer, the moment I read the book The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander, I knew exactly what type of law I wanted to practice. I want to be a public defender. I am incredibly passionate about criminal justice and fighting for the rights of those who cannot fight for themselves. This summer I will have the opportunity to work with public defenders who specifically represent death row inmates in their appeals. I will have the incredibly unique opportunity to work with an office that has recently argued in front of both the Florida Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court. Thus, not only will I get to work with clients who need immediate assistance, I’ll also get to work on cutting-edge issues. While I…
In the first chapter of his book Racism without Racists: Color-blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in the United States, Eduardo Bonilla-Silva argues that color-blind racism, a new racial ideology which emerged in the late 1960s (16), has become “a formidable political tool” for “the maintenance of the racial order” and “white privilege” in the “post-Civil Rights era” (3). According to his argument about color-blind racism, in contemporary America, although few whites appear like racists, racial inequality does exist everywhere (2). Racism changed from “overt means” of discrimination to “subtle and institutional practices” (3). “Nonracial dynamics” become “white common sense” about explanations…
As a result of the September 11 attacks on the United States in 2001 the use of racial profiles and enforcement of stricter security at airlines and borderlines was increased in order to prevent a similar event from happening. This in turn has created more conflict because false suspicions and assumptions made in profiles and foreign policies have caused people to feel humiliated by and angered at the United States. The use of racial profiling has increased ever since the attacks on 9/11. Linda Chavez, a Latina author, recalls her experiences of being questioned by security and suspected of being a terrorist because of her resemblance to Middle Eastern descent in Everything Isn’t Racial Profiling.…
Race-based theory plays a major role in predicting substantial and institutionalized discrimination that is always aimed at minorities within the systems of criminal justice. Racial discrimination in the criminal systems is mainly carried out by police, judges in the courts and agencies which carry out corrections in the United States. Evidence of criminal discrimination against African Americans and Hispanics found in the United States highlights some of the discrimination incidences that the minorities go through. Discrimination against minorities is popularly explained as a purpose of little position of their socioeconomic actions rather than indigenous or racial status. There are two race-based conflict theories which address the discrimination…
When President Obama was elected into office, continues to be lauded for ushering a new era of colorblindness. Forr many it was seen as the final defeat of racsim…
The United States is a diverse country, racially and ethnically. Six races are officially recognized: White, American Indian and Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, and people of two or more races; a race called "Some other race" is also used in the census and other surveys, but is not official. The United States Census Bureau also classifies Americans as "Hispanic or Latino" and "Not Hispanic or Latino", which identifiesHispanic and Latino Americans as a racially diverse ethnicity that composes the largest minority group in the nation.…
To begin with, in today’s society, the Criminal Justice system is broken. A person’s trial can have a different outcome depending on their ethnicity. Statistics prove that all races are not treated equally, whites always have an advantage for being the dominant group in the U.S. At this period in time, there has been a lot of shootings involving African Americans the most. In various incidents, law enforcement officers state that they felt that their life was in danger when the suspects were not armed.…
When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.…
“Police in America are sworn to protect the citizens, however the last few years citizens been sickened by highly publicized accounts of public servants brutalizing men—and women—in the communities”. Police Brutality has been an uprising topic in the past years, because of the police having the overpower over many black citizens because of assumption of suspiciousness. Once the police feels threatened, they automatically shoot to protect themselves and then assume they did the right thing. Those who oppose the use of use of torture also claim that the laws of the United States protect those suspected of crimes by regulating police interrogation practices to prevent terrorism. However, the US regulations do not claim that if a police assumes that a person is suspicious of terrorism that they should be shot. Police now take advantage of this rule. The precise meaning for police is, “the civil force of a national or local government, responsible for the prevention and…
Troy was arrested for fifteen years for stealing. This is still happing to a black man who has done minor crime but jailed for many years. Police brutality and mass incarceration are making African Americans life very difficult. In addition, an African American man has a greater chance getting killed by law enforcement than any other race. We have seen this happing in recent time when innocent young black person being killed in unreasonable way.…
They would also say dash cameras aren’t going to help with the fundamental problems between community and police. That the cameras won’t solve significant problems between the community and the police like race and racial issues. That is inaccurate because a video image can solve the racial discrimination by letting the people watch the videos and showing that how the police acts. The videos act as evidence and when others notice how the police is changing they will learn to trust the police more. As the problem that started in the 1990s when the court found evidence of racial profiling done by the police cause the the weakened of the public’s confidence in the police. Many departments deployed the in-car video camera to record traffic stops and other encounters with the public. In the spirit of building public trust, the in-car camera recording provides an unbiased account of events that allow citizens and others to view what actually occurred during encounters that have been called into question. Agencies and others report that such evidence has…