Eleanor is a sixteen year old redhead who has recently returned back home from Omaha after being kicked out for one year and forced to live with the neighbors. She lives in a small house with her siblings, her mom and her alcoholic stepfather, Richie. Eleanor and Richie never had a good relationship, and throughout the story, they continue to fight. On …show more content…
While the the two teens get to know each other more, Rainbow Rowell maintains an intriguing back story on both of the main characters. One day Park invites Eleanore to come over and watch some movies after school, so Eleanore had to ask her mom. But she didn't want her mom or Richie to find out or she coursing be with him so she says she was going out with a friend. After that night with Park she continued to come over substituting Parks name for a girl named Tina who was actually a girl who made fun of her when she asked her …show more content…
In the beginning of all the lies about hanging out with Tina, Richie suspected something more. So put crude and horrible notes in her book when she was gone, so when Eleanore opened them she would find mysterious notes not knowing who wrote them or how. When Eleanor's step father finally found out about Park he was outraged. When Eleanore found out, started to running back to parks house knowing that Richie was out to kill her. When she got to parks house park knowing what to do got the RV and drove Eleanore to Omaha where her uncle lived after writing his understanding parents a note of where he was going and