their employees. Minimum wage is not fair to the employers or the employees because they cannot arrange a fair wage for the both. The arguments made were all arguments opposing the raising of minimum wage and they are all valid arguments on vibrating minimum wage is bad for the economy. No one can make up their mind about how they feel about minimum wage without knowing the opposing sides arguments. Raising minimum wage will not cause a rise in unemployment. Employers will not have to stop hiring or start firing. Paying their employees more money will not mean that they will have to fire more employees. Inflation will not occur if minimum wage goes up. by paying employees more they will have More money to spend, meaning businesses will compensate lost prophet with more customers. Of customers spend more, businesses will make more and it will end in the exact opposite of inflation. Raising minimum wage would not deprive employees of the right to bargain a good pay with their employees. It would not be fair if one employee got one pay and another got a different pay. it is completely fair to have a higher minimum wage for all employees and all employers.
A change in minimum wage will impact America for better or for worse.