Maybe there was a need for acceptance, affection, and intimacy (Groth, 1990). Also, they could have been physically or sexually abused while growing up. Insecurity about masculine identity would also be a reason and they may portray themselves with aggressive behavior. The offender’s behavior can be classified in to one of the following five categories which are the types of rapes: Power Reassurance, Power Assertive, Anger Retaliatory, Anger Excitation, or Opportunistic. Feminist also have their theories and they view rape as a violent assault that inflicts emotional as well as physical trauma on victims. They believe that rape lies deep within a society and culture dominated by male attitudes, values, and beliefs; it objectifies relationships with women, eschews female value and belief system, and limits female rights and opportunities. They also argue that rape has not been appropriately defined, investigated, or prosecuted correctly. Feminists have informed and retained their influence over time, and according to Scully and Marolla (1985), the interviews that were conducted to 114 convicted rapists in a Virginia prison, showed that the reason for rape was for rewards or justifications perceived by them included a mean exacting revenge or punishment, obtaining…