→Faith in Almighty in action
Participants may choose to integrate the value of faith in God in their subject areas/lessons, in their family life through the arrangement of stronger faith practices in the home (e.g. praying before having meals, praying of the rosary, encouraging children to develop a habit of prayer and reflection especially when faced with moral discernment), and, their daily lives by always attributing one’s effort to God and making Him a part of the choices and decisions that one makes.
Personal Resolution:
Considering the significance of my prayer in my life and in my country’s history, I am more fully aware of the things I can accomplish when I live a life of faith. I have in me the desire to do right things, make moral decisions, and work to the best of my God-given gifts. I shall strive to hold my moral ground when I am confronted with things that undermine my values and those which may injure the well being of others.
My faith is a gift that strengths me in times of crisis and helps me arrive at conscientious decisions. I am aware of its manifold benefits and I shall strive to nurture this gift through prayer and reflection. I also understand that my faith in God can bring me to appreciate myself, my family, friends and colleagues, my job and my people better. Thus, I will do my best to be a discerning individual with God as my source of wisdom in everything that I do. With my resolve to be a better person, I can go further by putting my faith into action. I shall live a life that is based on the right values and serve as an inspiration to others who may be struggling to strengthen their own faith in God.
→Respect for life in action
Participants may choose to integrate the value of respect for life in their subject areas/lessons, in their family life through a deeper personal reflection and consciousness of practices in the home (e.g. instilling of disciple, recognition of the