
Real Events In The Gospel Of Mark

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Real Events In The Gospel Of Mark
The gospel of Mark is believed to be the earliest of the Gospels, and is considered to be based on the oral and written traditions of the community of Jesus’s time. Therefore, Mark's account of Jesus' healings in Capernaum can indeed be traced to stories of the actual events by people who witnessed these occurrences. The Gospel of Mark, is a representation of real events that took place with Jesus starting his mission. I will be focusing on some of the more influence events that took place during the Sabbath, and while Jesus was establishing his fallowing as Christ, son of God.
The Gospel begins with John the Baptist introducing Jesus as the true example of life. With Jesus as the poster child for baptism, he has John baptize him in the Jordan
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"The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes" (Mark 1:22). In this synagogue Jesus met a man with an "impure soul", and this spirit recognized Jesus as the messiah and said, "I know who you are-the Holy One of God!" (Mark 1:24). Upon hearing this Jesus told the spirit, "Quiet! Come out of him!" (Mark 1:25) This resulted in the spirit promptly removing itself from the man's body. This amazed everyone who witnessed the event. In front of them was a man, named Jesus, who could command "even the unclean spirit and they obey him" (Mark 1:27). This event was an early event of Jesus miracle workings. The story of Jesus' healing of the man’s spirit spread throughout Galilee and his fame amongst the peoples …show more content…
"He approached, grasped her hand, and helped her up” (Mark1:15). Within minutes she was healed. The significance of this moment, leads to Jesus seeing Simon and Andrew fishing later on. They had been fishing, without any luck. Jesus approached them. He said Fallow me and I will send you to fish for more people” (Mark1:16). In that moment, Jesus had called upon his first Disciples and once again Jesus power was shown.
After reading mark 1-4, really put in perspective the influence Jesus had on his fallowers, and the early non-believers. Specifically, in the two cases that was mentions. The healing of the man with demonic thoughts, and him calling his first fallowers (Disciples). Jesus is portrayed as a confident teacher for those who need to be enlightened. In many cases, Jesus is met with great skepticism form the authority figures and non-believers. In any case, his teachings and miracles works, helped bring all people closer to the light of the

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