For Rene Descartes, the thinking, and thus the existence, is undeniable, absolutely true and from which one new certainties can be established, also glimpsing that the absolute of reality depends on the certainty of thoughts. Following Berkeley’s conclusions, the perceived objects are the only ones knowable. When one speaks about a real object, in fact, one speaks about the perception one has about the object; this concept is seen from the beginning of the film when Christopher Nolan manipulates audience’s perception to create confusion about the perceived reality, therefore, making the spectator doubt about the character existence inside the film. The film begins right in the middle of a …show more content…
Inception repeatedly plays with this notion, making the audience question what is real and what is not. Throughout the movie the audience sees quick flashes of other scenes, these flashes are of Cobb’s life with his wife Mal, but later is discovered that these are his memories from the day that Mal killed herself. The reason for Mal’s suicide was a profound confusion between reality and dreams. She kept believing that her world was not real after being incepted by Cobb in limbo, even after they woke up the idea was still established in the back of her mind. One could argue that limbo was just a dream but it was so real for the actors that the only way to end it was dying -the end of all