Recess can change that! During recess, kids socialize with other kids creating valuable social skills. These social skills can be used all through life. If a person is good at talking with other people as a kid, this can help them with things when they are older. It could help them with things like making important speeches to a whole auditorium of people or having an interview for a job. This could even help with just teaching to a room full of students or working at the front desk of an office. Social skills can help anyone thru life, and this can all start with just an elementary school
Recess can change that! During recess, kids socialize with other kids creating valuable social skills. These social skills can be used all through life. If a person is good at talking with other people as a kid, this can help them with things when they are older. It could help them with things like making important speeches to a whole auditorium of people or having an interview for a job. This could even help with just teaching to a room full of students or working at the front desk of an office. Social skills can help anyone thru life, and this can all start with just an elementary school