What is RPL?
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a formal yet flexible assessment process that can be used to determine an individual's current level of industry knowledge, identify skills and relevant workforce experience. In order for Qualifications to be issued, the RPL Assessment verifies your competency against the established industry standards that have been detailed in the Training Packages.
RPL is used specifically to review the applicant’s learning and development, all the while taking into consideration any completed prior formal training and the considerable knowledge set associated with performing the daily work duties. Skills recognition also considers proficiency in performing tasks at the expected industry standards.
RPL can be defined in simple terms as: * formal recognition of an applicant's knowlege, skills and experience that has been developed across the course of their life - both career and life based; * process of evaluating & assessing competency; * method to ensure competency is based on benchmark industry standards; * system of standards established by Industry Skills Councils and other stakeholders in VET within Australia; and * outline of standards to be achieved as defined in National Training Packages.
Benefits of RPL
RPL is an endorsed method to issue Qualifications within the VET sector in Australia. If Applicants have well developed industry experience, it provides an opportunity to “fast track” education to achieve Qualifications more quickly than studying.
Benefits include: * Skills, experience & knowledge developed throughout your life and career will be verified; * Nationally Recognised Qualifications can be issued to verify your experience; * Saves considerable time in achieving Qualifications, as there is generally no requirement for study or additional training; * Don’t repeat training for skills that you have already developed