TO: Mark Smiley
RE: Purchase recommendation for new scanners
During the last tax season, our office experienced recurring problems with the paper scanners. The difficulty was not with an individual scanner, but included all of the scanners on different occasions. The scanners will not feed the documents correctly, resulting in torn documents and/or illegible text; and at various times will freeze and not function at all. As a result, this has increased our preparation time and customer complaints regarding wait times; while decreasing our profits.
The scanners are a vital part of our basic tax preparation, record keeping and the company’s diligent efforts to remain a “paperless” office. Currently the scanners have been in use on a daily basis for approximately seven tax seasons.
Therefore, as I indicated to you during our last discussion regarding the paper scanners, I am providing you with this recommendation report for the purchase of new scanners. I have narrowed my choices to two scanning machines, both manufactured by Fujitsu as our previous machines: Fujitsu S1500 Sheetfed Scanner and the Fujitsu fi-6130Z Sheet-Fed Scanner.
It is recommended that we purchase the fi-6130Z scanning machines before the upcoming tax season begins. It is very important that our client records are complete and accurate.
The cost of these machines will be met by decreased customer complaints, increased profit and will assist us in remaining “paperless”. It will also help with scanning the new driver’s licenses containing bar codes.
Scanning speeds * The fi-6130Z delivers duplex scanning speeds of up to 80 images per minute in color, grayscale, and black-and-white; along with hard and embossed card scanning up to 1.4mm thick and high-resolution performance of up to 60 images per minute for higher accuracy of bar code recognition. * The S1500 provides double-sided scanning at up to 20 sheets per minute; and
References: Fujitsu, (2009), Retrieved May 8, 2012, from: Office Depot (2012), Retrieved May 9, 2012, from: