Indian Tour Operators
Analysis of Customized Tour Services
Submitted By: Sumedha Bhardwaj (32156) Sonal Bhat (32157) Bhavika Mehta (32227) Esheet Modi (32228) Mahim Mongia (32229) Jyoti Saxena (32241)
1. Executive Summary 2. Analysis Approach 3. Competency Model for Tourism Agents 4. Field Research: Onsite Mystery Shopping 5. Problems: People and Processes 6. Solutions and Evaluation of Alternatives 7. Recommendations 8. Conclusion
Executive Summary
Customized Tours form an important part of the services offered by leading travel companies. Though the level of expertise in the group tours space is very good, customized tours because of their very complex nature, require a great deal of travel agent involvement. This requires competent and motivated travel agent workforce very responsive to customer needs. This space has been facing problem on three fronts: people, processes and systems to execute a customer order. The analysis would be focussing on People and Processes part of such agencies. This report would discuss the approach of analysis, suggest competency model as a basis to evaluate people problems as well as a reference for recruitment and training, enlist insights gathered from mystery shopping, identify the problems based on this primary research and recommend set of solutions which can be implemented for both people and processes. The client can choose a combination of solutions for various sub headings according to what is feasible and suitable to him. It has been consciously tried to recommend a solution which is easy to implement, requires minimal changes in the organization, involves minimal or no cost and practically possible. One of the main assumptions in the analysis is that management policy promotes ‘customer first’ philosophy and lays stress on human resources.
- Recruitment - Training - Performance Appraisal
Customized Tours
- Information Management - Hub and Spoke Model
- Process