How does the Food Guide Pyramid assist individuals wanting to plan a healthy daily menu? The food guide pyramid helps everyone plan a healthy daily menu by giving a set guideline of what types and how much of each food group to be consumed a day for a healthy diet. By following these guidelines the individual person can have a healthy diet rich in the nutrients he/she needs every day. Eating the proper amounts of the various food groups will help a person to control their weight and maintain a healthy intake of vitamins and minerals the body needs daily.
What are some advantages of using the Food Guide Pyramid? Some of the advantages to using the food guide pyramid is the knowledge that comes with utilizing the food guide that you are giving your body all of the nutrients that is needed daily. Another advantage is when you are also physically active daily weight loss or weight management is easily achieved. This is a major consideration among a large part of the population today. With the increased pressure of jobs and family for a lot of people this is an increasing factor to eat healthier. Our live styles are not the same as they were 30 years ago where a larger percentage of working adults was more active in their jobs. A large percentage of jobs today are behind a desk and not out physically working. This has caused a major increase of obesity amongst the population of the United States.
What are some criticisms of using the Food Guide Pyramid? Some of the criticisms about the food guide pyramid is the amount of food required. The food guide for most people is more than they can consume healthy. The food guide is out of date with most of today's society and calorie intake. This guide was first crafted and utilized in the 1970's based off of nutrient needs from 1968. This guide has not been updated since this time.
Based on your personal fitness level, age, sex, and weight management goals, what are the recommended daily