In the competitive business environment nowadays, companies need to present themselves as serious players with edges in various aspects, one most important of which is quality of their workforce. The quality of an organization’s workforce ,to some degree, determines how far it can go and this kind of quality depends mostly on an essential element in an organization’s operation, which is human resource management (Martin, J. 2008). Human resource management refers to the management of a company’s working staff, or human resource, including the practices of job analysis,human resource planning,recruitment,selection,human resource development, etc.(Kleynhans, R. 2006). Among all these practices, what is fundamental are recruitment and selection. The process of recruitment and selection is to match prospective applicants with certain given jobs to make sure that their capabilities and potentials can be rightly matched with the requirements and rewards inherent in the jobs given(Bach, S. 2009). Therefore this process is of great importance in the normal operation and sustainable development of a company and thus fundamental in human resource management. That is why more and more companies have been attaching increasing importance to recruitment and selection. And these two are getting more and more attention of people and are being studied more insightfully. However, because of the fact that recruitment and selection always go hand in hand with each other, it’s extremely common that people regard them two as one concept, considering recruitment is actually selection and vice versa. But in fact, these two concepts are distinct from each other in such aspects as aims, procedures, which will be discussed one by one in the following. What will follow is the discussion on the the importance of recruitment and selection working together to contribute to the development to the whole organization despite their differences.
First of all,
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