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Dickinson College
Panhellenic Association
P.O. Box 1773
Carlisle, PA 17013-2896
Recruitment Guides/Rho Gammas
The Panhellenic Association trains a group of women, known as Rho Gammas, with the purpose of providing a more enjoyable and less stressful atmosphere during the recruitment process. Disaffiliation enables Rho Gammas to answer questions and guide potential members without bias of preference to a particular sorority. Your Rho Gamma will provide information about the recruitment process, accompany you to make recruitment activities, and provide a listening ear as you make decisions concerning sorority membership.
Panhellenic chooses Rho Gammas based on enthusiasm for Dickinson and sorority membership, objectivity and dependability. Take advantage of your Rho Gamma because she can offer valuable information regarding sorority membership and how to balance those commitments with your classes and your other on-campus involvement. It is one-on-one guidance by an experienced sorority woman who cares enough to give her time, best talent and service to the potential new members. The ultimate result should be a mutually satisfying match between a new member and her chosen sorority.
The 2014 Recruitment Guides have given much of their time and effort to make sure that your recruitment experience is a spectacular one.
Erica Brown
Willa Davis
Holly Holtz
Renata Leo
Celeste Pilato
Mical Tawney
Megan Taylor
Catherine Turvey
The Panhellenic Association
The Dickinson College Panhellenic Association (established 1907) is the largest student organization on-campus with over two hundred and fifteen women belonging. The Panhellenic Council serves as the governing body for the five local, national and international sororities at Dickinson College. Panhellenic works together to unite sorority women to focus on common goals and to create a network of support for