Greening Corporation Recycling policies and procedures are with local and federal regulations. Enclosed in this document are pictures that will help each member remain compliant in our recycling efforts. We have piloted relationships with outsourced companies to help collect all recyclable items and aid us in maintaining each station set-up within the office. Do not vandalize or damage the bins, as they are they are expensive and may/may not be the company’s property. See the acceptable list of acceptable items for the program and their appropriate bin.
II. Paper (All Types)
The finished metallic/blue bins will be stationed in all offices. Please put all paper waste in these bins. Plain/colored papers are acceptable, post-it notes, magazines, newspapers, phonebooks, it doesn’t matter if the paper is glossy or matted, and even if ink is on the paper it is ok to put in the bin. Please prohibit the follow items from going into the bin:
- No food or contaminated paper
- No soiled oil/liquid papers.
III. Aluminum Cans
The finished metallic/grey bins will be stationed in the break/lunch room area. After drinking your soda pop please use the sinks to empty the can of any additional liquid and dispose in the appropriate bin. The following are not acceptable items for recycling: no plastic/glass bottles of any kind, no food contaminated and tin. Do not throw your food away in this bin we will provide acceptable waste bins for such activity.
IV. Toner Cartridges and Electronic Equipment
Evolve, a third-party company, has offered to provide us bins for the purpose of recycling our ink cartridges and electronic items. There will be one bin located in department. Speak with you supervisor if you are unable to locate it. Each week the technology team will go around collecting and store all recyclable electronics. If for any reason your department has a surplus of recyclables that can’t fit in the bin, please