1. Introduction
2. The unique properties of stem cells and the ways of reception.
3. The application of stem cells in curing the worldwide diseases.
i. The effectiveness of using stem cells in diabetes treatment and possible risks of this therapy. ii. What are the benefits and risks of using stem cells in curing cardiac disorders, such as ischemic disease and stroke? iii. How neural disorders, such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and spinal cord injuries can be treated by stem cells and what are the fears about application of this therapy on human?
4. The issues connected with stem cells research.
5. Conclusion
6. Reference list
1. Introduction
The world of science is developing very rapidly. This can be explained by the desire of people to know everything, e.g. the origins of life, the structure of human’s organism, the secrets of universe etc. The one of a set of branches in science is regenerative medicine, which includes stem cells research. Generally, stem cells are unique cells in the human’s body, which have an ability to renew themselves and become specialized into liver cells, kidney cells or spinal cord cells from unspecialized type of cells. There are several advantages and disadvantages of using stem cells in treatment the most common diseases of the world. The subject of this research project is to evaluate the benefits and risks of using stem cells in curing global diseases. It merits study, because stem cells are the constituent part of human organism and their abilities must be explored, in order to use them in therapies for diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes mellitus, spinal cord injuries and cardiac disorders. It is significant to know possible risks of using stem cells, as well as their benefits.
2. The unique properties of stem cells and the ways of reception.
Basically, stem cells are unspecialized cells in the human organism, which have a significant ability to renew themselves and become