I. Attention getter: Imagine a world where people are offered treatments, or even cures, for devastating diseases and injuries.
A. Stem cell research should be supported by federal dollars because it has the potential to provide powerful cures for many devastating human diseases and it can be used as therapeutic treatment.
B. When most people think of stem cell research they think of cloning and movies like, The Island or Gattaca.
II. Stem cell research has the potential to provide cures for many devastating diseases.
A. Diabetes- It is hoped that they can be manipulated to produce cells that will allow the human body to combat many disorders, for example, by the creation of insulin-producing cells for diabetics.
B. Alzheimer’s- They are a potential progressive cure for Alzheimer’s disease.
C. Parkinson’s disease is most promising to be treated by stem cell research.
D. Heart Disease/Stroke- Tissue damaged by heart disease, spinal cord injury, stroke or burns could be replaced by tissue grown from stem cells (differentiation).
E. Quote
III. Stem cell research can be used as therapeutic treatment.
A. Quote
B. Therapeutic treatments involving stem cells show tremendous potential for the treatment of complex diseases related to genetic disorders that currently afflicts millions of people.
C. Stem cells are expected to be most useful in treating tough diseases that derive from problems with various genes and are often related to environmental causes.
IV. Opposing view: Stem cell research is dangerous and unethical.
A. Injecting stem cells into unimpaired animals may cause them to be rejected by the immune system or turn into a deadly tumor filled with teeth, hair, and random cells.
B. Stem cell research involves the elimination of the most basic form