According to the article “Email stress managing the tyranny of Inbox overload” published by Knowledge@Australian School of Business , the author blames using email in workplace as the main reason for decreasing in productivity. He cites that an organization which consist of 1000 employees have to spend around $ 3 million USD per year to fight and manage spam from e-mail. In addition, he asserts that US companies loss $17 billion - $21 billion USD annually due to spam.
According to the article “The impact of E-mail Communication on Organization life” written by Daantje Derks, Arnold B. Bakker the authors mention the importance of email in office place. He believes that email is the most common form of computer-medicated communication in organization. In addition, he also claims that e-mail is the key for the success in business since it is less time-consuming, convenient and more reliable than the other communication tools such as face-to-face or mobile phone.
Australian School of Business ,2011, Email Stress: Managing the Tyranny of Inbox Overload.[online]. Available at [Assessed 14 November 2012]
Derks, D., & Bakker, A. (2010). The Impact of E-mail Communication on Organizational Life. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace,4(1), article 1. The Radicati Group, Email Statistics Report, 2009-2013 Press Release.[pdf].