In completing this task, I have got many experiences. In my opinion, this task is one of the most challenging tasks. By completing this task I have learned that if we want to have something, we have to work towards it. We cannot get something that we want by just hoping and waiting only. Actually, it is not too easy for me. But thank god I have done it finally. Praise be upon Him for giving me the strength to complete this task and I have make serious efforts to submit the task before the due date.
This project is the group work. So, it easily for me to discuss about this assigment with my peers and my leacturer. The discussion really help me to more understand about the topic. This assigment help me to increase my knowlegde in english subject.
As I got the assignment, I have made a lot of discussion with my group members. We did a short notes after we have searched about the articles or information from the internet and library. My friends and I can attachment of some kind. If I have something that i do not know how to do or how to solve the question, I can simply ask my friends and they would kindly help me.
During I do this assignment, I get a lot of information about effect of smoking to the smokers and the non-smokers. This assigment really help me to guide other smokers to stop smoking. We gathered a lot of informations by this assigment. We really put hard work to complete this assigment successfully and submit it before due date.
In conclusion, I gained a lot of information and knowledge through this coursework. Hardworking, responsibility, and collaboratory are very important in doing the assigment. The solution would not easily come to us if we did not try harder to find it. Last but not least, I would like to thanks to my lecturer, MR. ______________________for his kindness and always there whenever I need his guide while doing this